Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random Facts About Me

This is straight from Facebook, but hey, on the off chance that you live on Mars or somewhere else where they have internet but not Facebook - here you go.

1. I'm an only child, but I have a huge extended family. I have relatives in most major US Cities, and the majority of them love having visitors, which makes trekking around the country in a conversion van alot more cost effective, what with the not having to pay for hotels thing. So, I've got that going for me, which is nice.

2. I like to use big words. I never stutter, but I will occasionally slow down my sentences and uh and umm in order to find the right word.

3. I don't like watching movies alone as it just reminds me that I'm alone and hence lonely, but for some reason, watching episodes of TV shows alone just strikes me as an economical way to watch TV.

4. My 3 proudest sports related moments are winning our first state grade Chess Championship, Winning the Wadi Sports camp title with my two first cousins, and winning my first Volleyball intramural championship.

5. A conversation with a girl friend in 10th grade convinced me that I had a lousy singing voice until someone told me otherwise in church while I was in college.

6. I've tried to explain to people about the True Definition of Friendship like, a hundred times, but no one seems to really understand it. On a related note - they do seem to catch on to the whole, 'first person to get up has to do it' concept, which is handy.

7. If I am playing a sport or anything really, where I get to pick a number, I pick 7 if it's possible.

8. I can only play 'for fun', if I know that the people I'm playing against know I could win if I wanted to. If they don't think I can win, I have to play to win. I'm too competitive to do otherwise.

9. People think I don't like animals. That's not true - I like animals just fine. It's the taking care of animals that I don't like. That and the smell. If they didn't smell and I didn't have to own one, I'd be all over them. As it is, I'm having a hard time with the cat we have, though I'm getting better.

10. I go on the best vacations. California, Va Beach, the ATL, The Red Sea, Greece - seriously, the best vacations. It's almost like it's a Gift from God.

11. I'll try any food once. I've never come across something that I wouldn't at least sample.

12. I've never broken a bone, but I have had an awful lot of stitches, all from the neck up.

13. I am frequently a hero. I once got a standing ovation from an entire beach in Naples, Florida. Yeah, yeah, I know, you walked on the moon.

14. My Wii Fit character is obese and this hurts my feelings.

15. I love hugs. The worst is when you go in for a hug and get the handshake instead. Awkward!

16. The compliments I get most often are - 'You smell Nice', 'You're really smart', 'Your eyes are beautiful'. All are true. I'm well aware of my incredible qualities. But it is nice to hear it anyway. So, feel free to let me know. Or you can come up with a creative one, whatever, I'm not picky.

17. I feel that people often confuse my immense self-confidence as immense Pride. I feel that being aware of your good qualities is just good sense. On a related note - I had false modesty.

18. I have the best Mother(s) in the World.

19. 2/3 of my brain is out of state. Occasionally, they come to visit me. I'm much more fun during those times. The rest of the time I'm scatter-brained. Yes, that was an intentional pun. Yes, I am apologetic.

20. When my Edge Jr. Highers win, I feel as if I have won. When my Edge Jr. Highers lose, I feel that I have been cheated. I prefer continuity though, and the constant changing of colors and countries displeases me immensely.

21. I hate front-runners. If I'm elected President, I'm re-openning Guantanamo and putting them all there. There's no place for those people in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

22. I don't like the taste of coffee and I don't need the caffeine. Infact, up until my Jr. year of college, I didn't even know HOW to spell Coffee. True story.

23. I now measure time in horn-sounding increments.

24. If you really loved me, you wouldn't make me ski.

25. I love passionately. I am trying to live so as to be missed. Whether they know it or not, my friends are living so that I miss them. And it makes me sad when they're gone. (tear)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Question about Friends!

Ok, so, for the past week or two, me and a friend of mine (real life friend that is) have been arguing about who the least funny of all the main Friends Characters is. Now, this is an important question to me, because, well, I have an opinion that I happen to think is the right one. Hmm, perhaps we ought to back up a quick second.

Obviously, everyone realizes that Chandler is the funniest friend. That seems pretty clear. However, the other 5 oscillate in terms of their funniness. Some characters are more dramatic, some are prone to physical comedy, some are just plain old not that funny, and those roles seem inter-changeable, depending on who you are. Now, what I want to know is, who is the least funny to you. If you had to pick just ONE friend whom you considered to be a rung below the others, who would it be. And if you want to tack on a 'why' there too, that would be great! :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Day

Today was my first day at my 'new job'. I am the new 8th grade US History teacher at CVCA.

It's a unique opportunity to be able to teach at a place where I used to go to school. It's interested to have the shoe be on the other foot. I remember how hard it was to be a Jr. Higher at times, and this is a great chance for me to give a little bit back.

As it happens, my students (through 1 day with me), are great. I love them. I can't wait to go back into school tomorrow to get to spend more time with them. I hope that I can inspire in them a love of History, like the one that Mr. Pyper, Mr. Shellenberger and Dr. Taylor inspired in me. I truly believe that God put me where I am, and I hope that I can let Him use me as He sees fit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year, New Resolution, New Blog

I had a conversation recently that made me miss my Blog. As LJ is all but dead, I figured this would be as good a location as any to start up shop again. So, here is the third incarnation of Sherif's Thoughts and Ramblings about life. Included in these pages you'll find complaints (lots of complaints), sporadic life updates, the occasional movie/book review, and some links to stuff other people have done or said better than I could have myself. Enjoy!

It's January. People all around me are making Resolutions that they won't keep. Some people want to make more money, some people want to get in better shape, and so on and so forth. Sadly, most of those resolutions have already been dropped. Because people have a hard time changing themselves. We like ourselves. We don't want to change.

However, what we can do is change the world around us. Hopefully for the better. For the past 5 years, me and several of my close friends have been trying to make the world around us a better place. We have led a small, private revolution to make this small corner of the world a place where people are held to a higher standard. Take a moment and review our past 5 years of Service to our respective communities -

2004, we Resolved to Keep it Really Real
2005, we Resolved to be Ridiculous at Life
2006, we Resolved to Represent!
2007, we Resolved to Radiate Preponderance
2008, we Resolved to give Rise to the Revolution!

I know what you're thinking, and yes, that IS a tremendous body of work. I'm actually rather proud of it, so thanks for noticing. I couldn't have done it without the tireless work of Jeremy, Andy, Simon and...oh, sorry, just falling back into my habit of REPRESENT! 2006. It's not intentional, I'm just a fool who loves to give props and credit where they're due.

Anyhow, all this to say, that you, our fellow human beings, are once again being gifted this year. For our sixth year in a row we have made a resolution, and once again we will make the world better through it.

In 2009, we Resolve to...(I can feel the anticipation and tension building)...Raise the Roof! Yes, that's right, we are going to try and Raise the Roof. Not in the literal meaning ofcourse, after all, it isn't 1999 anymore. No, what we're going to try to do is Raise the standard of living for those around us. We're going to try to raise the bar, not just the level of intelligent conversation (as we did in '07), but in all aspects of life - humor, driving, traveling, exercise, Iron Mans, etc. If you find that you lack in some aspect of your life, or if you just want MORE in some area, look to one of our Revolutionaries to help you. We will Raise your Roof. We will make it our responsibility to help you do more with what you have. After all, we are little more than Civil Servants. And yes, you can thank us now and later.